Course Location:
Hotel Park City
2001 Park Avenue
Park City, Utah 84068
Course Times:
Friday, February 28th 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM (6.0 CE Hours)
Saturday, March 1st 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM (6.0 CE Hours)
⦿ Module 11. CBP Whiplash Trauma – This course provides an integrated education for the Doctor of Chiropractic in the Science and Art of chiropractic analysis and management of patients injured in motor vehicle collisions. Biomechanical, neuro-physiological, and epidemiologic aspects of whiplash injuries will be reviewed and discussed. Understanding/differentiating subtle and complex ligament injuries of the cervical spine will be presented. Litigation and documentation of whiplash injuries and a review of the International Chiropractors Associations Best Practice and Whiplash Injury Guidelines will be presented. An update-to-date review of research material will be presented supporting the utilization and efficacy of a variety of Chiropractic examination/documentation procedures, and treatment techniques across motor vehicle injury populations.
Continuing Education hours will be available for Doctors of Chiropractic licensed in the states listed below. All CE hours are pending the licensing board’s approval. Please be advised NOT all states are submitted to.
States Applied to for CE Credit:
Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®) Non-Profit is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards.
DISCLAIMER FOR THE STATE OF MISSOURI: Approval of this course is not acknowledgment or ruling by the Board that the methods taught in this course are recognized and approved by the Board as the appropriate practice of chiropractic as defined in Section 331.010, RSMo.